We don't just build websites - we build the future of your business online.

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About us

At MLV Web Agency, we create unique websites from scratch.

We increase profits by introducing online marketing tools


Our use of advanced technologies ensures optimal website performance.

Founder Igor Malov

Founder Igor Malov

general vector for mlv web agency that makes custom websites for Canada and US

Latest project

Portfolio For Ottawa construction company


Website designed for Renomotion Inc., specializing in transforming bathrooms, basements, and kitchens with innovative designs and quality craftsmanship

general vector for mlv web agency that makes custom websites for Canada and USgeneral vector for mlv web agency that makes custom websites for Canada and US

Work stages


Introduction and briefing

  • Define website goals and objectives.

  • Research target audience and competitors.

  • Determine budget and timeline.


Design Exploration

  • Create wireframes and mockups for website layout.

  • Design a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

  • Select color scheme and typography that reflects the brand.

  • Ensure responsive design for mobile compatibility.


Building Process

  • Set up hosting and domain name registration.

  • Develop website structure and navigation.

  • Integrate e-commerce functionality for ordering products, services online.

  • Implement secure payment gateways.

  • Add features like search, filters, and shopping cart.


Testing Stage

  • Perform usability testing to ensure smooth navigation.

  • Test functionality across different devices and browsers.

  • Check for broken links and errors.

  • Test the checkout process and payment gateway.


Launch Preparation

  • Finalize website content and graphics.

  • Set up basic SEO elements like meta tags and keywords.


Post-launch Management

  • Monitor website performance and traffic using analytics.

  • Gather feedback from users and make necessary improvements.

  • Update content regularly to keep it fresh and relevant.

general vector for mlv web agency that makes custom websites for Canada and USgeneral vector for mlv web agency that makes custom websites for Canada and US


Landing Page Package

Starts From


  • Development of one web page

  • Responsive design for mobile compatibility

  • Basic SEO optimization

Basic Website Package

Starts From


  • Development of multiple web pages

  • Responsive design for mobile compatibility

  • Basic SEO optimization

E-commerce Website Package

Starts From


  • Custom design and development tailored to e-commerce needs

  • Responsive design for mobile compatibility

  • Advanced e-commerce features such as product catalog, shopping cart, and checkout system

  • Integration of secure payment gateways

  • Product management system for easy inventory management

  • Enhanced SEO optimization for product pages

general vector for mlv web agency that makes custom websites for Canada and US



Self-Management Plan

  • Transfer all website files and access to you for self-management.

  • Full access to website files and backend, allowing you to manage and update your website independently.



Fully Managed Hosting Plan

  • We handle everything from managing website files to server management and maintenance.

  • Comprehensive management of your website, ensuring optimal performance and security, with regular backups and updates.



Pro Plan with SEO Optimization

  • Enhance your website's visibility with professional SEO optimization.

  • Tailored SEO strategies to improve search engine rankings, increase organic traffic, and boost your online presence.

general vector for mlv web agency that makes custom websites for Canada and US

Let's build something special together

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general vector for mlv web agency that makes custom websites for Canada and US